6 Ways to Make Your Day More Bearable in School or at Work

Give yourself things to look forward to

Look Forward
Source: Someecards

Work and school can be tiring and often drain our energy, especially when it’s the start of the week or when you have to spend long hours in school/at work. Giving yourself things to look forward to will increase your happiness as you would be more motivated to survive the day and the rest of the week. Be it watching a new episode of a drama, downloading a new song once you get home or hanging out with your friends during the weekend, counting down to doing something you want definitely brightens your day. You would be more determined to press on so as to enjoy the fun afterwards.


Source: Snapchat

If you don’t have Snapchat, start creating one now. Make a 2nd Snapchat account and every time you go somewhere or do something fun or see something interesting or complaining about something, send a Snapchat to that 2nd account. Best is that you start doing this early so that by the end of the year on December 31st, you can look back and see all the moments you had that year. This serves as a way to sum up your eventful year and as you look back, you would definitely be amazed how you managed to come so far.

Start a happy jar

Happy Jar
Source: Pinterest

Start a Happiness Jar Project! Similar to the Snapchat suggestion, you can start writing down the good things that happened to you on little pieces of coloured paper. It would be refreshing to read all the small and silly things that made your year and reflect upon it. It won’t be easy penning down every single good thing that happened to you, and you might be lazy and give up halfway. However, one point to note is that it serves as a way to see how you had made it through your days in school or work and who went through those tough times with you.

OOTD concept with your friends

Source: Pinterest

A good way to brighten your day is to dress how you WANT to feel. But a BETTER way to make your day brighter is to be able to have planned OOTD concept with the ones you hang with in school or work. When you have a good group of friends, why not try this? People around you all might laugh and think it’s stupid, but if it brings some joy in life, why not try coordinating outfits once in a while? Matching friends outfit can be a symbol of your friendship, where you are thankful to the ones who made your days in school or work bearable. It allows you to be thankful that you all have been going through tough times together.

Build a Terrarium6 Ways To Make Your Day More Bearable In School Or At Work - Ecoponics Singapore - 2025

It’s always refreshing to add greenery to our homes and offices, especially since Terrariums are low maintenance and would not add on to your list of responsibilities. As science always says, green can help relax your eyes. Imagine lifting up your heads from those dreadly work and all you see is your cute little plant staring at you, providing you with all the moral support you need.

Wouldn’t it be better if you had placed the plant in the soil of the terrarium with your own hands? Your terrarium friend will then accompany you through your days of hard work. Imagine how much joy it will bring to your loved ones when you give them your one-of-a-kind terrarium. Not to mention how they are always reminded of you whenever they look up at the terrarium.

Just Smile

Smile and you will realise everything will work out somehow. The firs6 Ways To Make Your Day More Bearable In School Or At Work - Ecoponics Singapore - 2025t thing to do when you wake up is to smile. You will start your day in a better mood. Smile and you will get through another day like you always do.


On Key

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