Green and White Modern Healthy Food Banner e1707118297517 | Ecoponics Singapore | April, 2024

Embark on a holistic exploration of sustainable gardening practices, where the beauty of nature meets eco-conscious living! Our green gardening workshops provides participants with the opportunity to get their hands dirty through hands-on experience of gardening!

Immerse yourself in the art of green gardening, incorporating botanical art through Kokedama Moss Ball making, or learn how to create your very own low-maintenance mini garden in a bottle through our terrarium making workshops. 

Green Gardening Workshops

vegetable growing

From planting the seeds to harvesting, discover the joys of growing your own vegetables from scratch and at the same time understand all about the plant life cycle! 

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Make your own mini self-sustaining eco system in a bottle and discover the wonders of plant systems.

Kokedama Pothos 3 | Ecoponics Singapore | April, 2024

Immerse yourself in the art of Kokedama, a Japanese tradition that transforms plants into living sculptures.

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Learn the craft of making seed bombs and be a part of the green revolution, transforming urban spaces into thriving pockets of biodiversity.

Benefits of Our Green Gardening Workshop

Hands-On Learning Experience

From planting seeds to crafting terrariums and seed bombs, participants gain practical skills that can be immediately applied to their own green spaces! This hands-on approach ensures a deeper understanding of the techniques and fosters confidence in nurturing a thriving garden.

Enhances Well-being & Creativity

Engaging in green gardening activities has proven benefits for mental well-being and creativity.
Learn how cultivating your own vegetables or crafting botanical masterpieces like Kokedama and Terrariums can be therapeutic and rewarding.
These workshops provide a space for relaxation, mindfulness, and the opportunity to tap into your creative instincts, resulting in a holistic and fulfilling experience that extends beyond the garden.

Promotes Sustainable & Eco-Friendly Living

The skills that you'll learn in our green gardening workshop not only enhance your self-sufficiency, for example, growing your own vegetables, but also promote eco-friendly practices that have a positive impact on the environment!

Green Gardening Workshop Experiences

Submit An Enquiry On Our Green Gardening Workshops!

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