Stress Management Terrarium Workshop

Ecoponics is constantly searching for new ways to introduce our Stress Management Terrarium Workshop to the masses in Singapore. One of our initiatives is currently supported by the Health Promotion Board (HPB), where we go to corporate offices during lunchtime to conduct our terrarium workshops and share some stress management messages. At the end of the workshop, participants will also receive collaterals from HPB, as little mementoes to remind them that it’s important to manage their stress levels.

So how do we incorporate stress management in our Terrarium Workshops?

Stress Management Terrarium Workshop - Stress Management Terrarium Workshop - Ecoponics Singapore - 2025

1. Introducing Stress

The first portion of our stress management terrarium workshops includes introducing to participants what stress is. Sharing that stress manifests in different forms and it is perfectly normal to face stress. However, large amounts of stress pose various harmful effects, thus reiterating the message of how important it is to manage stress levels at work.

Stress Management Terrarium Workshop - Stress Management Terrarium Workshop - Ecoponics Singapore - 20252. Introducing a Hobby

Research has shown that one of the ways to manage stress is to mindfully engage in a hobby. For busy office workers with barely any time to spare, we recommend our Stress Management Terrarium Workshop as a hobby as it can be done within a few minutes and its pretty low maintenance.

It’s easy to do and suitable for beginners! Even for those with no green-fingers, fret not! As long as you have an open mind to learn, you will definitely find this session therapeutic!


Stress Management Terrarium Workshop - Stress Management Terrarium Workshop - Ecoponics Singapore - 2025

3.  Relating Terrariums to Resilient Humans

During the workshop, we will use a closed terrarium as an analogy. While a closed terrarium requires the plant to thrive in harsh situations, it teaches the plant to be resilient and adapt to changes. Similarly, when faced with daunting tasks that will cause stress, it is important to be resilient, to manage stress so that you will be able to ‘grow well’ just like plants in a terrarium.

As terrariums require care, it’s also important to care for yourself. Self-care over everything!

To engage us to conduct our stress management workshops at your venue/our studio, please contact us at [email protected] with the following details:

  1. Name: Stress Management Terrarium
  2. Venue:
  3. Number of Pax:
  4. Date/time:



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