“Food Waste Management” – It is a term that is commonly used today, but sadly, not much has been done to carry it out. According to NEA, food waste makes up approximately 10% of waste produced locally, but only 16% of this food waste ends up being recycled. The other 84% ends up in incinerators, which leads to increased pollution in the environment, creating harmful byproducts such as ashes. As such, it is of utmost importance that we handle and manage this waste properly, especially when we consider our growing population and affluence.
Schools pose as a major source of food waste in Singapore, given how much emphasis the government places on ensuring that the youths in Singapore are educated. The easiest and best way to do this would be to lessen food waste at the source, or avoid generating it at all in the first place.
Schools are the best place to start educating our youths on the importance of food waste management and reducing food waste. Especially in primary and secondary school where “Values in Action” are stressed on, it will allow students to not only learn, but apply what they learnt in their school and daily lives.
Schools can also bring students for food waste learning journeys. In such learning journeys, students will get a better knowledge of the food waste situation in Singapore. This allows students to know the severity of it, in order to make them more engaged with the issue.
Other than reducing food waste, we should also pay more attention on managing food waste. On this point, school compounds also make for the perfect grounds for the placing of food waste managers. Food waste managers converts food waste in an organic manner into reusable compost, which can be used for fertilisers. This feriliser can then be applied in the school garden!
Do contact us if you would like to engage Ecoponics for Food Waste Enrichment Programs or Learning Journeys! We look forward to hearing from you 🙂