Here at Ecoponics Singapore, we conduct our DIY candle workshops using soy wax! Why? You may ask. Although soy wax is more expensive compared to paraffin wax, the benefits of soy wax will definitely be worth it!
1. Soy Wax is Renewable

Soy wax is obtained from soybeans, thus making them natural and renewable. Furthermore, as compared to other natural alternatives such as beeswax, soy wax is much cheaper. This is because soy is more widely cultivated, thus making their supply more abundant.
2. Soy Wax is More Enduring

As compared to other more commercialised alternatives such as paraffin, soy wax burns at a slower rate, thus making your soy candles more long lasting. Therefore, you’ll be getting more bang for your buck with soy candles!
3. Soy Wax Releases Less Pollutants

Soy wax candles produce less smoke when they are burnt, as compared to paraffin wax candles. As such, soy wax candles emit less pollution, and are perfect especially for those who suffer from respiratory problems, such asthma. They are also suitable for children and elders.
4. Less Mess
As compared to paraffin wax, soy wax has a lower melting point. As such, should the soy wax drip onto the surface of your table, it will be easy to clean it up, using a warm cloth. No other cleaning agents will be needed!
5. Easily Customisable
To add on, soy wax is similar to a blank canvas, it can be customised any way you want! You may add scent to it, change its colour and even carve it into any shape you like! You can even mix it with other types of wax 🙂
So what are you waiting for? Make the switch to soy wax candles now! Better still, sign up for ECOPONICS Singapore Candle Making Workshops to make your very own customised candle! 🙂